FutureXchange will deliver an insight and transaction platform triggering more efficient capital and competence to unlisted companies.
FXC delivers an insight and transaction platform triggering more efficient capital and competence to unlisted companies.
Insight and trust are key factors in stakeholder and investor handling. FXC is licensed by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority. Our deliveries undergo stringent quality assurance processes to ensure data delivered thorough the platformhas the highest standards.
Everything companies need to raise capital in one place. DD-room, cap table, promotional window, Investor Relation Management, Access control with full audit trail and top security. For investors - insight in your portfolio in one place - One login, and not plenty of systems
The FXC platform holds ownership data in a secure, distributed infrastructure making insight, communications, control and reporting less time consuming. The FXC platform provides all necessary functionalities in one platform for a company to always be ready to raise capital and handle transactions.
The platform simplifies processes, creates incentives, and reduces risks for all parties in the ecosystem of ambitious and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises.
To build the best services, we need feedback from friendly collaborators sharing our vision to improve access to capital and competence for innovative unlisted companies. We plan to test within a short time, and would love to hear from you.
If this sounds interesting we would love to hear from you!